Megdöbbentő élmény három hónap múltán újra Kolontáron járni, s látni az akkor fotózott házak hűlt helyét...
Egy egész terület lett üres... Egész utcák lettek síksággá... Csak az utak maradványai utalnak arra, hogy valaha itt település volt utcákkal, házakkal, emberekkel, élettel...
Októberben azt mondtam, hogy Csernobil-hangulat. Most még inkább az...
Ez a kép emlékezet egy valaha volt településre...
It was a shocking experience to walk again in Kolontar after three months of the toxic red mud disaster, and to see the cooled places of the then photographed houses...
A whole territory became empty... Whole streets became lowlans... Only the remnants of the roads indicate that some time ago there was a village with streets, houses, people, life...
In October I said, it's a Chernobyl-feeling... Now it's even more like that...
This photo is a memory for an ever was village...
Kolontár HU EU; 15.12 cet
zene // music:
2011. január 23., vasárnap
I wonder how much of the colouring is due to post-processing. Unbelievable. And ... almost forgotten, no more news. No one cares. Thanks for reminding me.
VálaszTörlésHi, Martina!
VálaszTörlésThe post process... nothing. Well, just a little increasing of the saturation, and makeing a saturated HDR from two photos.
But beleave: there in Kolontar the feeling is the same, very red, that's why I did this.
oh, I believe the colors are real... it was quite a tragedy... very impressive...
VálaszTörlésI don't know why, my computer opens veery slowly your blog; sometimes I even cannot open your pages. Do you use very large files?
have a nice week
Thanks, Victor!
VálaszTörlésNo, I don't use large files, the largest might be exactly this: about 480 kB JPG file.
This slowness I believe depends on the computer and the system you are using. On this computer while I was using WinXP sometime I also openet it slowly, now with Win7 it opens quickly. On the other computer here, on the same network, using WinXP it opens more slowly...
Yes, I know, it is strange, but I can not do anything with this...