I know nothing about what happened. It was the ornament of a drinking fountain (you can see it's pedestal on the photo at the back of the statue). The fountain now doesn't work for years... May be to save the water...
I just found a photo of the fountain when it was intact. As you can see, there are some tubes, so maybe the accident occured because of the construction... http://lh3.ggpht.com/_jpgZGSrRmdM/S8DON_1jAdI/AAAAAAAACuk/FGzavJTWKso/Picture%20075small.jpg
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do you know the statue's story? it would be interesting to know it..it's a shot with a strong feeling.
VálaszTörlésI know nothing about what happened. It was the ornament of a drinking fountain (you can see it's pedestal on the photo at the back of the statue). The fountain now doesn't work for years... May be to save the water...
VálaszTörlésI just found a photo of the fountain when it was intact. As you can see, there are some tubes, so maybe the accident occured because of the construction...